New Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations Begin August 8

The new accessory dwelling unit regulations go into effect on August 8, 2019. This was a multiyear effort to help increase the number and variety of housing options in single-family zones and to remove barriers to developing accessory dwelling units in the city.

Accessory dwelling units may be attached to the principal unit (attached accessory dwelling unit or AADU) or in a separate structure on the lot (detached accessory dwelling unit or DADU). Some of the highlights from the legislation includes:

  • Increasing the maximum size of DADUs
  • Decreasing the minimum lot size needed to construct a DADU
  • Allowing up to two accessory dwelling units, either two AADUs or one AADU and one DADU, in some single-family zones
  • Removing the parking requirement for accessory dwelling units
  • Removing the owner-occupancy requirement (owner no longer needs to live on-site)

In addition, the legislation included new floor area ratio (FAR) limitations in SF 5000, SF 7200, and SF 9000 single-family zones. These FAR regulations will go into effect on March 1, 2020.