From Lee Bruch, Aurora Reimagined Coalition

Late last night the Move Ahead Washington bill (SB 5975 – 2021-22) passed in the WA House (It previously passed in the Senate).  There may  be some minor reconciliations, but it has passed the major hurdles. (See https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?billnumber=5975&year=2021&initiative=False)

It includes $50 million for a transformative demonstration project on Aurora. The project must be finished and expenditures completed by Dec. 31, 2029. (That is tight. It is not unusual for an extension to be granted, but any extension must be granted by the legislature).

The bill is at https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2021-22/Pdf/Bills/Senate%20Bills/5975-S.pdf?q=20220302013131.

The portion re Aurora is in Section 303, items 4 (a)-(c) on pp. 5-6

To quote the bill:

Under this program, SDOT will be required to implement strategic transportation  investments for the Aurora Ave N Corridor from N 90th St to N 105th St that ensure slow vehicle speeds, walkability, multimodal mobility, safe routes to local schools, and safety for residents, which will  demonstrate the benefits of similar transportation investments for  other locations along Aurora Avenue and elsewhere. SDOT must convene a neighborhood oversight board consisting of residents of communities of the Aurora Ave N Corridor to prioritize investments and monitor project implementation. The oversight board should be composed of an equitable representation of local communities along the Aurora Ave N Corridor, including residents with disabilities. SDOT will ensure  that the oversight board is consulted on a bimonthly basis during the prioritization process.”

The intent of the legislature, as described above, is not just a few safety improvements strung along Aurora.  It is to produce a transformative change in the very nature of Aurora of a small concentrated area that can demonstrate what can be done elsewhere.

ARC  –  Aurora Reimagined Coalition

Email: AuroraReimaginedCoalition@gmail.com
ARC Google Group: aurorareimaginedcoalition@googlegroups.com
Website: https://www.got99problems.org/