2015 Broadview Community Council Membership

communityThank you to our new and returning members!  We truly appreciate your support.  If you have not paid your 2015 annual dues, this is a reminder to do so.  If you are not a member, we invite you to join.

The Broadview Community Council (BCC) acts as the voice for our neighborhood when it comes to a wide variety of issues:

·         Linden Avenue ·         P-Patch
·         Traffic ·         Sewer and Drainage,
·         Crime prevention ·         Aurora Avenue improvements
·        Broadview Blockwatch ·        Broadview Preparedness

We do this by communicating through the website and meetings with you and the appropriate government agencies.

Your membership dues allow you to vote for board members and to give input on major issues related to our neighborhood.   Members can receive emails about critical and timely information impacting our neighborhood.  Dues pay for the Broadview Community website, rooms, speaker costs, printing and postage.

You can pay your dues:

  • New! Online through PayPal at our website
  • By check mailed to the PO Box listed on the membership form which can be downloaded from our website
  • In person at the next general meeting (in March – announcement to follow)

Make a difference in your community and renew or join today!

You can also email your ideas to broadview.communitycouncil@gmail.com.  We welcome new board members  too!

The bigger our group the louder our voice… please join and share your thoughts!