New Updates on SPU Projects in Broadview

The 12th Ave NW Basin Drainage Improvement Project will improve the drainage system in parts of west Broadview with severe flooding issues.

SPU plans to reduce storm-related flooding by building new storm system improvements where there are none, to slow runoff and improve flows. The project may use a variety of tools in City of Seattle right-of-way along neighborhood streets to address flooding issues including:

  • Converting ditch-and-culvert flow to a piped system
  • Installing large, underground pipes to hold water and prevent flooding during storms
  • Locating improvements to address priority flooding and allow for future expansion
  • Installing natural drainage cells and bioretention in feasible locations

What’s happening now?

Project design is just getting started and is anticipated to go through mid-2019.

SPU will work with the community throughout design to both share information and collect input on natural drainage systems.

To learn more about the Broadview program, visit:

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