Seattle Public Utilities Updates


Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is continuing to plan for improvements to the sewer and drainage systems in Broadview. Currently, we are pairing the leading sewer improvement alternatives with drainage improvement alternatives for the 12th Avenue NW basin in order to develop a preferred alternative for western Broadview. We are also continuing to make progress on sewer and drainage improvement alternatives for the Dayton Avenue N basin in southern and eastern Broadview.


Frequently Asked Questions

We heard many questions and comments from Broadview residents recently at the Sept. 23 public meeting, at the Oct. 22 Northwest District Council meeting, and through your recent emails and phone calls. We are receiving your input, and will respond to your individual inquiries as quickly as we can. We would also like to acknowledge the questions we have heard about the evaluation process we followed to identify the current list of paired sewer and drainage alternatives. In addition, it is clear there are a number of residents that are concerned about the potential for property acquisition, if an alternative were selected that involved the purchase of properties.

We will be in contact with you to share more information and gather your input on these topics. We have also developed a Frequently Asked Questions (also see link below) document that responds to some of the questions we have heard most often. If there are questions you have that are not on this list, please forward those to our project email inbox and we will respond as soon as possible.

September 23 Public Meeting Materials

SPU hosted a community meeting on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at Luther Memorial Lutheran Church to introduce the leading paired sewer and drainage alternatives for the 12th Avenue NW basin (western portion of Broadview), and describe the criteria SPU is using to evaluate these alternatives.

If you were unable to attend and would like to review the meeting materials or provide your comments, please visit our project website or click one of the links below:

Next Steps

We will engage in additional outreach this fall and winter as we work toward preferred sewer and drainage improvements for the 12th Avenue NW basin. Given the feedback that we have received on drainage alternatives that include a stormwater pond in that basin, we are reviewing our approach for recommending sewer and drainage improvements for both the 12th Avenue NW and Dayton Avenue N basins. We plan to send out an update on our approach and next steps for community engagement within the next week or two.

Contact us

For more information about the project, please contact us in any one of the following ways:

Broadview Project information line: 206-409-3651

