Update on SPU in Broadview

Dear Broadview Neighbor,

city of seattle logoSeattle Public Utilities (SPU) continues planning for improvements to the sewer and drainage systems in Broadview. We are currently evaluating alternatives for sewer solutions in the 12th Avenue NW basin in western Broadview. Later this year, we will pair leading sewer improvement alternatives with drainage improvement alternatives for this area, which has the highest frequency of sewer backups in Broadview. We are also concurrently planning for sewer and drainage improvements in southern and eastern Broadview (Dayton Avenue N basin).

Public Meeting Held March 18

We held a public meeting on Tuesday, March 18 to present details about the leading 12th Avenue NW basin sewer alternatives. At the meeting, we also outlined upcoming project milestones and public involvement opportunities for the upcoming year, and shared recent study results including geotechnical study results and priority areas for drainage improvements.

In case you were unable to attend, meeting materials are available for download on the project website.

Upcoming Geotechnical Study and Groundwater Monitoring Work in Dayton Avenue N Basin (eastern and southern Broadview)

As part of the Broadview Sewer and Drainage Improvement Project, SPU-hired consultants will install groundwater monitoring equipment in many locations throughout the Dayton Avenue N Basin during the month of April. This geotechnical study will help us better understand groundwater conditions in that area.  This information is very important as we plan for improving the sewer and drainage systems in the Dayton basin.

Last week, we distributed the attached flyer to residents near the planned groundwater monitoring installations. The flyer includes more information about the upcoming monitoring activities, including information on what to expect during the month of April. Note that all work is planned to occur between 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For more information, please contact:

Broadview Project message line: 206-409-3651

Email: SPU_BroadviewProjects@seattle.gov

Web:  www.seattle.gov/util/broadviewprojects

Thank you,

Celia S. Kennedy, MPA

Project Manager
Broadview Sewer and Drainage Improvement Project