March 18 BCC Meeting Highlights SPU Sewer and Drainage Project

At the next meeting of the Broadview Community Council (BCC) on Tuesday March 18 Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) will report on recent developments in its Broadview Sewer and Drainage Improvement Project.  In response to the repeated incidents of sewage overflows during major rainstorms SPU has been working on ways to prevent this problem.  The SPU project team will

*  Present details about the leading 12th Avenue area sewer alternatives.

*  Outline upcoming project and public involvement opportunities throughout 2014 for this project.

*  Share recent study results including geotechnical study results and priority areas for drainage improvements.

The meeting is at Luther Memorial Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave. N, Tuesday March 18.  An open house with exhibits will begin at 6:30 PM, and the formal meeting begins at 7:00 PM.

Below is SPU’s meeting announcement.  Click on it for a larger view.
